The Artist Follow Loop Project, is a new project I have been working on in my free time that utilizes Instagram as its base. As an instagram user, I find the platform the most appropriate site for sharing any and all types of
artwork (visual art, performing art, culinary art). Although, I found it could be hard to make good connections and network with the right people. The Artist Follow Loop Project is going to change that.
With the experiment I started out every week on the Instagram account posting "The Loop". The Loop will consist of about 5 "hosts" and a list of instructions for other artist accounts to follow. Each artist account looking to participate must follow Artist Follow Loop, all hosts, and comment on the post with the Artist Follow Loop hashtag and tag 3 friends. Once the artist accounts complete the steps, the hosts have 24 hours to follow all of those accounts back. The hosts can verify their new followers by making sure they completed the steps by referring to the comments on the original post. Each host is to tag 3 fellow artist friends in the comments as well to spread the word! Every Loop will also have a variety of different or alternating hosts from the previous one. This is be sure, that no one runs out of accounts to follow. While the account grows, the other artist accounts can grow too!
Update: 06/2020
While conducting this social experiment, I have realized that people have a rebuttal against following other accounts they seem to have "no interest in". By asking them to follow others back who follow them, they seemed to feel uncomfortable making a connection they would have refused otherwise. With that, I have decided to prepare and post the follow loop once every month. Between the loops, I will share and repost artwork from other artists accounts with their permission using cohesive and discoverable hashtags. By doing this step, it also allows for non-artist accounts to search for and support artists as well.
Update: 08/2020
After a few months, "The Loop" has not been as successful as I had hoped. There are many factors that came into play, but it is an experiment after all! As I continue to play with the rules and posting agenda I have set for myself, I have found more success on the account by simply just reposting photos from accounts that tag me in their work. It's been fun to be able to be "the middle-man" for artists who are trying to grow a little bit more of a following or receive more likes.
From Small Business Owners to the new self-taught artist, The Artist Follow Loop Project is all about artists supporting artists and building connections that could lead to better careers or collaborations. My wish is for this Instagram account to be the hub for all artists on the platform but, my goal is to establish this account as a place for celebration and sharing in every and all artist communities.